I just love the dreadnought concept. I like how Space Marines are enclosed in a part-dead-part-living body to fight for the eternity. If you trap a daemon inside just to give it a little twist, then you have doubled your fun, and the perfect excuse to glue some spikes, chains, and dirt painting to make a very menacing look model.
I give you my new Chaos Dreadnoughts!
Now, I really don't like the Chaotic Model that GW sells. I think they look like as if they were Danny de Vito enclosed in the casket and trapped with Joe Pesci inside. So I decided to convert two regular Space Marine ones.
I added Terminators Chest and Heads because I like this Terminator on Steroids look. Also, the loose power cables are adding a very nice touch, and the Close Combat Weapon was improved with some leftover spikes I had from the Eddie Van Rhino's Dozer Blades.
That's it! Some other conversion and paintings are coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned!
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